English Version

Municipal District: Nitra

County: Zlaté Moravce
Microregion: Požitavie-Širočina

VAT: 00308633
Village Mayor: JUDr. Ondrej Kozolka

Inhabitants: Cadastral Area: Coordinates: Altitude above sea level:
1006 1160 ha 48o 20′ N 18o 28′ E 220-450 metres above

Obecný úrad Volkovce
Hlavná č.4

Phone – 037/6304231
Fax – 037/6304372

email: volkovce@gmail.com

Identification number: 308 633

Office Hours:

Monday: 8.00-16.00
Tuesday: 8.00-16.00
Wednesday: 8.00-16.00
Thursday: 8.00-16.00
Friday: 8.00-16.00


Municipality of Volkovce is an autonomous local self-governing and administrative unit of the Slovak Republic, it gathers persons who have a residency in the area of Volkovce.

Municipality is a corporate body that autonomously manages its own finances, property and profit.

Conditions for creation of municipality, its status, authorities, competences and responsibilities are mentioned is the basic forms of the statute: Act No. 369/1990 Coll. on Municipal Establishment.

Municipality elected authorities:

  • Municipal Mayor
  • Municipal Council

Municipal Mayor represents the highest executive body of the Municipality. The Mayor is elected by the citizens through a direct vote for 4 years.

Deputy Mayor is voted by Municipal Council for 4 years and represents the City Mayor during the latter’s absence or incapacity to execute his office.

Municipal Council is composed of 9 members, means a group of city representatives elected through direct public vote for 4 years. The Municipal Council established and dissolve, based on need, permanent or temporary executive, control, and consulting authorities, mainly:

  1. Deputy Mayor,
  2. Commissions of Municipal Council, as an advisory bodies
  3. Chief Municipal auditor.

Municipal Mayor:    Judr Ondrej Kozolka
Deputy Mayor:        Peter Galamboš

Members of Municipal Council:

Bc. Mária Segíňová
Ing. František Kozolka
Ing. Ľubomír Frajka
Ing. Ľudovít Kozolka
Ing. Rastislav Frajka
Jozef Jurík
Ing. Tomáš Kozolka
Peter Kozolka

Chief Municipal auditor: Elena Weissová

Commissions of Municipal Council:

  1. Economic and asset management commission,
  2. Commission for building, ground planning and environment,
  3. Social, domestics life and health commission,
  4. Commission for regional development, tourism and enterprise activities,
  5. Commission for education, culture and sport,
  6. Public policy commission,
  7. Commission for liquidation,
  8. Commission for claims,
  9. Commission to protect public interest

crest-symboly-pageSelf-administration operation (original competencies)

the administration and the development of municipal property and the property in the ownership of state ceded to municipal for use,

  1. prepare „Closing Statement annual report on the municipal management“,
  2. the administration of municipal taxes and fees,
  3. regulation of economical activities that is done by binging statements to the business activities and other activity, establishment of operations,
  4. the administration of local roads, public areas, plants, public lighting, cleanliness and public cemetery,
  5. nature and environment protection, water economy, sewerage, communal waste, support educational, leisure and sport opportunities,
  6. participation at regional plans, area planning, local development,
  7. establishment organization and business in own name,
  8. Attestation of needs and some offences.
  9. Social assistance
  10. Verification of documents and signatures on documents

crest-symboly-pageTransferred scope of competencies of the state administration:

Country planning and building order – municipality is a building office

  1. nature and environment protection sewerage – mainly felling of plants
  2. waste management – communal waste management
  3. air and water protection – small and medium sources of air contamination, small artesian well
  4. Population register
  5. Registrar office – birth, death and marriage register
  6. Performance of local and specific communications (roads)

crest-symboly-pageMunicipal established organizations:

Grammar school – Volkovce
Nursery – Volkovce

crest-symboly-pageMUNICIPAL OFFICE

Municipal office represents executive body of Municipal Council and the Municipal Mayor, and comprises city officers.

  1. Municipal Office carries out professional, administrative, and organizational works relating to fulfillment of municipal responsibilities, especially:


  • Keep written agenda of all local government bodies, and serve as receiving and processing centre of municipal written documents,
  • Prepare technical documentation and other written documents for submission to Municipal Council meetings and Municipal Council committees,
  • prepare decision issued in administrative proceedings, in tax and fee proceedings,
  • execute municipal orders, Municipal Council resolutions, and Mayor’s decisions,
  • coordinate activities of public utilities on the own territory, subjects created and established by the Municipality, as well as other subjects with direct legal relations to the Municipality,
  • ensure organizational and technical implementation of state administration responsibilities transferred to the Municipality.


  1. Municipal office chief manages and organizes the work of the Municipal Office.
  2. Internal organization of Municipal Office, especially its organizational structure, competencies of individual departments, their mutual relations, and responsibilities of municipal officers, are included in the Municipal Office Organization Manual approved by the Municipal Council.
  3. Municipal Office does not have legal autonomy.