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Village Council members | Obec Volkovce

Village Council members


Bc. Mária Segíňová


Ing. František Kozolka


Ing. Ľubomír Frajka


Ing. Ľudovít Kozolka


Ing. Rastislav Frajka


Jozef Jurík


Ing. Tomáš Kozolka

peter_kozolkaPeter Kozolka

The Municipal Council under Act no. 368/1990 Coll. on Municipalities, the representative council of the municipality composed of members elected in direct elections by the people of the village for four years. The term of office of the Municipal Council ends when the newly elected municipal council are sworn in.

The function of a Member of Committee is incompatible with that of:

a) the mayor
b) the employees of the municipality in which he was elected,
c) the statutory body of budgetary organization or contributory organization or contributory organization established by the municipality in which he was elected
d) under a separate law

The number of
Council Members for the entire election term is determined by the size of the population and it is set before the election.

The Municipal Council decides on fundamental issues of community life, in particular powers reserved. The Council:

  1. shall decide and carry out all activities pertaining to administration of municipal affairs and property, and all such matters of municipal nature that are assigned to the Municipality by appropriate law unless such activities are executed by the State or another legal entity or natural person;

  2. shall approve the municipal budget and its changes, control spending and approve the accounts of the village, authorize the issuance of municipal bonds, approve contracts concluded under § 20 para. 1, decide on acceptance of credit or loan, and accept guarantees for the provision of returnable financial assistance from the state budget; the mayor may change the budget. The extent of change is determined by the Council;

  3. shall approve the territorial plan of the Village or its parts and development strategies of individual aspects of municipal life;

  4. shall decide on imposition or cancellation of local tax or local fees under special regulations;

  5. shall determine the specifics of local tax or local fee and public benefit, and decide on taking a loan or credit;

  6. shall announce public ballot regarding the most important issues in the village's life and development, and call open meetings of citizens;

  7. shall vote on municipal Resolutions;

  8. shall approve agreements on international cooperation and the village's membership in international associations, according to § 21 par. 1;

  9. shall determine the salary of the mayor under a special law and designate at least 90 days before the election for a full term of office of mayor range; changed under the scope of the mayor's function; change the scope of the administration upon mayor's request and the scope of mayor's activities;

  10. shall elect and recall the Chief Auditor of municipality (hereinafter "the CA"), and determine and approve remuneration to the CA;

  11. shall approve the status of the municipality, the municipal council rules of procedure and principles for the remuneration of Council Members;

  12. shall establish, annul, and control budgetary and other organisations in the Village, and, on the basis of the Mayor's proposal, nominate and remove their directors, establish and dissolve businesses and other legal persons, and approve Village representatives into their statutory and controlling organs, as well as approve the village's share on the property of a legal person;

  13. shall approve the general pooling of resources and activities and pools, as well as the establishment of a common regional or interest fund;

  14. shall establish and annul authorities needed to carry out municipal governance and determine their scope of work;

  15. shall grant honorary citizenship, municipal recognitions and awards;

  16. shall set up the municipal coat of arms, municipal seal, and, possibly, the municipal jingle;


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