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Nursery | Obec Volkovce


Adress:Školská 1, 951 87 Volkovce
Headmistress:Daniela Husárová
Contact:+ 421 37 630 42 21
Type of school:nursery / state
Founder:municipality of Volkovce, Hlavná 4, 951 87 Volkovce
Nursery times:6:30 – 16:30
Fee:3,50 EUR / per month / per child
Lunch fees:1,19 EUR
Teachers:Mgr. Beáta Fruniová
Dinner lady:Jozefína Horváthová
Keeper:Beáta Obická

Children can be accepted into the nursery after their parents or legal guardians apply in writing. The child must be between the ages of 3 – 6. Children can also be accepted at the age of 2, if there are provisions made.

For the upcoming school year 2015/2016, 33 children are registered to attend the nursery.

Volkovce Nursery Council

Alžbeta Štefákováhead of councilelected for the teachers‘ body
Peter Galambošmemberdelegated for the founder – Council committee member
Mgr. Miroslava Chrenová secretaryelected for parents
PaedDr. Mária Považanovámemberdelegated for the Grammar school Volkovce
Beáta Obická memberelected for non-teaching staff

Parents committee

Ľudmila Brandtováhead of committee
Mgr. Miroslava Chrenovásecretary
Alica Kvaššayováfinancial controller
Lucia Tonkovámember
Monika Kováčová member

In the nursery, children have several play corners, a television, computers, CD players with a substantial supply of CD recordings (music and storytelling) for children and the teachers. The classrooms are very airy and they lead into the children's bedrooms, where they have individual beds.

There is also a dining room for the children, with child-sized tables and chairs. The dining area is functional with a double sink, fridge and kitchen cupboards to aid teachers and the dinner lady.

The changing room consists of individual lockers, where the children can store their personal belongings, with designated space for shoes. The noticeboards here are decorated with the children's artwork and notices to parents are also displayed here.

Children have their own washroom and toilet facilities. Here they have their own individual towels, hygiene bags and combs.

Outside the school is a playground with swings, sandpit and a square window ladder. A large part of the school yard is grass so that the children can play.


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