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Grammar School | Obec Volkovce

Grammar School

Basic information

Name:Grammar school Volkovce
Address:Školská 1, 951 87 Volkovce
Phone:037 630 42 26
Founder:Obec Volkovce
Headmistress: PaedDr. Mária Považanová
Main language:Slovak

School Committee:

Head of committee:Mgr. Marta Kostolániová
Members of committee:Mgr. Miroslava Chrenová
Daniela Husárová
Marta Drahošová
Oľga Galambošová
Alica Kvaššayová
Eva Stopperová
Peter Kozolka
Monika Kováčová

School educational bodies:

I. level:
Educational association:
Mgr. Andrea Jakabová
II. level:
Subject committee:
Mgr. Jana Vicianová

School Canteen/ dinner hall:

The canteen provides lunches for both the grammar school pupils, the nursery children and also for the staff. For the nursery children, the canteen also prepares brunch, and an afternoon snacks.

Parents who wish to cancel the lunch for their child must do so one day prior to the cancellation date, or no later than 8 am on the same day. Parents must contact the school or nursery secretary on the following telephone numbers:

Grammar school Volkovce :  037 630 42 26
Nursery Volkovce:  037 630 42 21

The School

The school building was opened in 1962, so it has served its purpose for over 50 years, and although it was not in a terrible state of disrepair, it needed extensive renovation works.

The renovation works on the school building started in 2011 and the roof was changed (all costs were paid for by the municipality.

The works continued in 2012, financed by the project Energetická efektívnosť vo verejných budovách“ (energy efficiency in public buildings). Thanks to this project, the original external doors and all windows were changed; the building was insulated and a new render applied. The heating system was also upgraded with new thermostats which should ensure the building does not exceed the required internal temperature. New energy efficient lighting was also installed. The works were halted in 2013, due to the weather.

The school interior also had a minor renovation (e.g. a new plumbing system was installed, walls were redecorated, interior doors were changed, the changing rooms were upgraded and new blinds were installed. The interior works were financed from the village‘s budget.

To add security for the students and employees of the school, as well as to protect and monitor the building, a new security camera system was installed, funded by the Slovak Government as part of the project for crime prevention.

In 2014, the classrooms received new modern furniture.


1st lesson8:008:45
1st break8:458:55
2nd lesson8:559:40
2nd break9:409:55
3rd lesson9:5510:40
3rd break10:4010:50
4th lesson10:5011:35
4th break11:3512:00
5th lesson12:0012:45
5th break12:4512:55
6th lesson12:5513:40
6th break13:4013:50
7th lesson13:5014:35
7th break14:3514:45
8th lesson14:4515:25

Registration of first year students

We will inform the parents of the exact dates of registration for the academic year 2016/2017 via the local announcement system as well as the Volkovce village website.

For the upcoming academic year 2015/16 a total of 11 students were registered for the first year.


During the academic year 2015/16 the following teaching staff were employed by the Grammar School in Volkovce


School employees

Headmistress and Form teacher for year 4PaedDr. Mária Považanová
Form teacher for year 1 and 2Mgr. Andrea Jakabová
Form teacher for year 2 and 3Mgr. Veronika Zaťková
Form teacher for year 5Mgr. Blažena Kozolková
Form teacher for year 6Mgr. Viera Krajčiová
Form teacher for year 7Mgr. Marta Kostolániová
Form teacher for year 8Ing. Miriam Lešťáková
Form teacher for year 9Mgr. Miroslava Chrenová
Religious studiesMgr. Peter Patúc
Classroom assistantMgr. Martina Hajková

Non-teaching staff

Jozefína Horváthová administrator
Marta Drahošováschool keeper
Janka Frajkovádinner lady
Nóra Šípošováassistant dinner lady

Extracurricular activities during the academic year 2016/2017

  • Let's dance - the dance group was lead by Mgr. A. Jakabová. Here the students learned basic dance steps, dance routines which they also performed at various school functions (Christmas, Mother's day etc.)

  • IT group – this is the most popular activity amongst the students. It was lead by Ing. M. Lešťáková. The students had a chance to improve their IT skills and also extend their skills taught during regular IT classes.

  • Preparation for a „Monitor 9“ - this group focused students from class 9 in preparation for the tests conducted in year 9. The teachers Mgr. J. Vicianová and Mgr. M. Kostolániová were also focusing on entry exam preparation in the Slovak language and Maths.

  • Relaxation group – its main focus was to relax after a long and hard day at school. This group was lead by V. Krajčiová. The main activities were walks outside, sporting activities and during bad weather children were doing creative crafts or played various boardgames.

  • Sports group – lead by Mgr. Zaťková. Children took part in various sports activities, weather permitting. The activities were focused on improving their health and fitness.

  • Cooking group – Mgr. M. Chrenová and PaedDr. M. Považanová lead this group, where the children were taught basic etiquette, table manners and also, through play, they learned how to prepare some basic meals, drinks and desserts.


The English version of this website is not currently maintained. For up to date information, please refer to the Slovak version of the site.