Village Committees

1. Committee for building regulations, finances, village public property monitoring and sports

Head of committee:

  • Ing. František Kozolka

Committee members:

  • Jozef Jurík
  • Ing. Ľubomír Frajka
  • Ing. Ľudovít Kozolka


2. Committee for Culture, education, Health and social matters

Head of committee:

  • Bc. Mária Segíňová

Committee members:

  • Peter Galamboš
  • Ing. Rastislav Frajka
  • Ing. Tomáš Kozolka
  • Peter Kozolka

Commission pursuant to § 15 of Act no. 369/1990 Coll. on Municipalities. The municipal council may establish committees as its permanent or temporary advisory, initiative and control bodies. The Commission shall be composed of deputies and other persons elected by the municipal council. The structure and role of the Commission is determined by the local council.



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